Veterinarians and Practice Owners

Dr Steve Heap  BVSc.  CertVOphthal
Dr Michele McMaster   BVSc. 

Steve Heap and Michele McMaster are the proud owners of McMaster & Heap, hence where the name came from. Purchased on April fools day 1999, it turned out to be the best decision we ever made. Twenty four years on, Steve and I still love being veterinarians every day. It’s a real privilege solving problems, for clients and their pets. Plus running a large business of 30+ staff brings Steve and I huge enjoyment and personal satisfaction. We work with an exceptional, talented, hard working bunch of awesome staff we regard as family. It doesn’t get much better than that.

Michele graduated in 1990, Steve in 1992 from Massey Vet School. Those five years spent studying and forming lifelong friendships are some of our best memories. We spent two great years in the UK travelling and gaining invaluable veterinary experience. Steve gained his Certificate in Veterinary Ophthalmology whilst in the UK. Michele grew up in Christchurch and eventually wanted to return home. An opportunity came up to purchase what was then “Rozens Vet Clinic”, so Steve and I jumped in boots and all. A decision we have never regretted.

Our best achievements are our three sons. Our theory behind owning our own business was so we wouldn’t miss out on anything the boys were doing. As it turns out, we both have been our boys biggest fans, with at least one of us cheering on from the sidelines.

Connor (27) is now working at Green Cross Veterinary Hospital in Melbourne, as a surgical intern and loving all the experience and cool surgeries he’s exposed to. Green Cross train the 4th year Melbourne Veterinary students so Connor always has a keen pair of eyes watching everything he does. He’s been put to work assisting in complex surgeries, doing minor procedures himself like radiography, stitch ups, bandaging, feeding tube placement and he is seeing the surgical patients back for revisits. He’s getting to work with the best equipment and diagnostics including MRI, CT, Fluoroscopy, Laparoscopic equipment, Arthroscopy etc. His days are frequently 12 hour shifts but his knowledge and skills gained are a steep learning curve. There is no time for tennis, but he is watching league games and enjoying living in Melbourne and spending time with his brother Isaac.

Dylan (24) has just finished College in the US and starts his first job working as a consultant in a start up business in Houston. He graduated from Rice in Houston with an undergraduate degree in Economics and he’s just completed a Masters, with Honors, in Business Analytics from Elon, in North Carolina. College tennis has now finished for Dylan and it will leave a big void for a while. He has competed for 20 years, and the game itself, as well as the team comradery, has shaped Dylan into who he is today. I’m secretly hoping it’s not the end of tennis forever.

Our youngest, Isaac (20), is thriving, surviving and enjoying all Melbourne has to offer. He’s a second year at the University of Melbourne studying Politics and English. Luckily he enjoys handing in 8000 word papers! Isaac holds down a part time job teaching in high schools, loves cooking for friends and enjoys frequent trips home, relishing in his dads cooking and our company.

Officially now “empty nesters” (dislike this phrase) although we still live with 4 furries that keep us entertained, fit and amused.

  • Lola, our beautiful, emotionally intelligent, extremely loyal 15.5 year old black lab x huntaway
  • Macy, our gorgeous, playful 5 year old black lab
  • Maximus, our large, inactive middle aged ginger DSH cat
  • Atticus, our intellectual, handsome Mandalay kitten

Steve and I will always welcome new clients and their pets. We cater for people from all walks of life. Treating and caring for your pets with respect, kindness and utilising our training and skills is our main aim.

We will never be corporatised. We are all about upskilling, providing new, improved services and listening to the needs of our staff and clients.

If you have any queries regarding becoming a client of ours please reach out to us personally.

Kind Regards

Michele & Steve